Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats analysis of the current P&C business model.

As a part of good governance, it is appropriate that we occasionally review the way we operate and manage our affairs.

The business model for local school P&C Associations has changed little over the decades and it therefore seems timely to undertake a review of the current model.

We surveyed our members to see what they think - see the results here.

The ACT Council of Parents and Citizens Associations – the peak body for Canberra’s public school parents –  questions whether today’s budget does enough to cater for a growing student population

Andrew Bidwell - Council Vice-President 2018 & former P&C President at Florey Primary

Jackie Floro - Council Executive member & Harrison School’s P&C President, 2018         

We're so grateful to the wonderful people who give up their time to keep P&Cs and Council thriving. But why do they do it?

Understanding that can help you recruit - and keep - your own workforce of helpers.

A group of Canberra Mums is helping seriously sick children across Australia stay connected with  school by placing robots in their classrooms.

The cyber-world is such a big part of our lives. Council Executive Jane Koitka looks at what parents and carers can do if cyberbullying rears its ugly head.

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