It is with sadness and gratitude that we pay tribute to Graeme Evans – Council Life Member, long-term P&C volunteer and champion of public education – who passed away in February.

ACT’s peak body for public school parents is asking ACT election candidates to think big on school infrastrure. 

Council is the parent voice at Election time.

Online meetings have become essential and, writes Council’s Marina Spurgin, there are some simple ways to make them more effective.

Cultural protocols are the customs or codes of behaviour of a cultural group and typically guide behaviour in different situations.


Professionally designed graphics to easily call for volunteers, say thanks and celebrate your achievements in a fun, eye-catching, way!


As public schools prepare to reopen for face-to-face learning, the ACT Council of Parents and Citizens Associations issued an open letter expressing the gratitude of parents to school staff.

ACT Council of Parents and Citizens Associations President, Kirsty McGovern-Hooley, this morning said the following in relation to the plan to return to school announced by Minister Berry:

The sweep of shut downs and restrictions imposed by COVID-19 have created a whole new range of challenges for P&Cs. We caught up with a few to see how they were adapting. 

The ACT Council of Parents and Citizens Associations - the peak body for public school parents - supports starting Term 2 with remote learning and is encouraging more parent input. 

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