- Section 11 of the P&C Treasurer's Handbook deals in detail with the annual financial review/audit
- Checklist of items to provide to your reviewer/auditor (Section 11 of the Handbook)
- Section 12 outlines how to present the financials at the AGM
- An example of an Annual Financial Statement is provided in our General Bookkeeping Spreadsheets (tab numbers 6 and 7) - see the blank spreadsheets or copy with worked examples.
- List of auditors willing to audit/review P&C books.
We also run training on the review process to step Treasurers through it.
If you missed this, we can still provide assistance - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Book swap - an alternative to paying for an auditor!
Council is facilitating a 'book swap' scheme for small P&Cs (gross receipts less than $400,000 pa) whereby two treasurers review each other's books to avoid paying for expensive auditors. We provide training to show treasurers how to do a financiial review of the P&C's accounts with whom they have 'swapped' books.
If you'd like to be involved, simply fill in this form and we will find you a swap partner!
Resources for P&Cs doing a 'book swap' (acting as an auditor for a small P&C):
- Worksheet to step you through the process of reviewing the accounts of a small P&C
- Sample of reviewer's report to sign at the end of the review