
In August 2012, the then ACT Education Minister, Chris Burke established a taskforce to consider education and support for ACT students with learning difficulties. Minister Joy Burch has continued to be supportive of the Taskforce and their findings.

As a part of the Youth Attainment Grant, Council hosted a workshop on 22 November 2012 that focused on building the school community.

As the dust settles from the ACT election and a Labor-Greens minority government emerges to lead Canberra for the next four years, Council’s policy officer Tim Lawley takes a look at some of the education election commitments made by the parties.

A push by the government for healthier food options at school canteens has left many in a tight financial situation. Council has brought the issue to the attention of the Government.

The Governor-General Quentin Bryce unveiled a Rats of Tobruk Memorial Wall at Giralang Primary School in early May.

Amalgamation of P&Cs in local areas into an area or regional committee covering a number of like or networked schools - schools having one or more delegates to the P&C.

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