
In what we hope will be a regular feature, ACT P&Cs share their approaches and activities. This issue, P&C President Jo Prezzi tells us what's happening at Palmerston Primary.

From pancake breakfasts to art shows and community picnics, school communities across the ACT got together last month to celebrate.

School grounds are probably more important than you think. Jenny Dibley from ACTSmart Schools looks at how to get the most out of your school environment while making it more sustainable, and outlines some ACT government resources that are there to help.

The environment teacher, parents and students at Wanniassa Hills Primary School recently joined forces to create an innovative hothouse made from PET bottles! The original inspiration and design for the hothouse came from an article discovered on the internet.

Council’s long and dedicated work as an advocate for parents of students with a disability was recognised at the end of 2013.

Council is coordinating a week of celebrating our school communities. We have lots of fun ideas, so make sure your school is part of it

School NAPLAN results for 2013 are due to be made publicly available on the government's MySchool website on March 6, 2014. At this time, there is usually interest from the community in the achievements and performance of individual schools and newspapers often report on school rankings based on data from the website.

In August 2012, the then ACT Education Minister, Chris Burke established a taskforce to consider education and support for ACT students with learning difficulties. Minister Joy Burch has continued to be supportive of the Taskforce and their findings.

As a part of the Youth Attainment Grant, Council hosted a workshop on 22 November 2012 that focused on building the school community.

As the dust settles from the ACT election and a Labor-Greens minority government emerges to lead Canberra for the next four years, Council’s policy officer Tim Lawley takes a look at some of the education election commitments made by the parties.

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