
Curtin Primary P&C runs informal get-togethers for early learning families, with wide ranging benefits for strengthening the school community. Marina Spurgin, Council’s Early Learning Officer, had a chat with the Curtin P&C team about their work to build early years community connections. 

One way to swell our volunteer ranks might be to better understand what people love - and hate - about volunteering.

Recruit more volunteers for your P&C by harnessing the power of storytelling. 

Cranleigh School P&C Volunteer & Council Vice-President

Kaleen Primary School P&C Volunteer & Council Executive Member

Macquarie Primary P&C have provided the perfect lure to get parents back on site after years of restrictions: great coffee and space to connect in the school’s new community café. 

Whether your P&C runs a canteen or not, special lunch days are a highlight for families and a handy fundraiser. We share tips and ideas from the expertise in our Canteen Subcommittee on how to make the day a success – and keep it healthy.

ACT public schools provide support for students in many ways, to help them engage with their studies and school life. One important component are the professionals who are part of the Allied Health Services. The Education Directorate explain about this important team.

After more than two years with few opportunities for fundraising or community events, it was a delight to see the success of P&C-run election day stalls across Canberra in May.

How do you host a great night for the school community and raise funds at the same time?  Put together a great P&C team, add support from the school, some personality and hijinks, plates of tasty food and – Bingo! – job done!

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