
Our training and info sessions help you run your P&C even better!  

They are FREE for our members.

We offer the following training sessions - 2024 dates coming soon! 

Running your P&C -  Get the basics right & run your association like a pro.

Growing your P&C - Make your association thrive!

Treasurers' and Insurance Workshop - Get your finances in order.

P&C Constitution workshop - Understand and review your P&C's founding document.

Getting Grants - Win grants to fund P&C projects.

Financial Review training - for those taking part in a 'Book Swap'

Running your P&C 

Run your P&C like a pro!  We'll give you a framework for better understanding what a P&C is all about, then step you through the nitty-gritty of making decisions, running meetings, plus raising and spending funds!

We'll cover:

  • Decision making
  • Office bearer roles
  • Running meetings well including handling difficult people
  • Financial controls
  • Fundraising
  • Funding gifts and projects for the school

Where? When?
2024 date to be confirmed.


Growing your P&C

Everything you need to know to help your P&C thrive!
We'll cover:

  • Know where you are headed: shared goals
  • Communicating well
  • Managing volunteers
  • Tips to attract and retain more volunteers
  • Working with the school
  • Doing it all legally!

Where? When?
2024 date to be confirmed.


P&Cs as employers and canteen providers 

For P&Cs which run small businesses such as canteens, there are always questions about employing staff and meeting your regulatory and legal obligations. This workshop focuses on this important area. 

The session covers:

  • The P&C as an employer and the social enterprise model
  • Management by subcommittees and accountability
  • Employment issues, contracts, awards, regulations and safety
  • P&C school canteens - tips and resources for success.
  • Waste management and the ban of single-use plastics.

Where? When?
We are not currently planning to run this session and are looking for alternative providers.


Treasurers' and Insurance Workshop

Learn all about the treasurer role and understand insurance at this informative workshop. Experienced P&C treasurers and Council staff will be there to provide information, answer questions and discuss any concerns about your P&C finances. Essential for all treasurere. The workshop covers:

  • basics of the treasurer role, record keeping and handling monies
  • resources available to parent association treasurers
  • legal requirements, annual reports and audits
  • financial controls
  • what your insurance covers and what is not covered
  • how to complete and submit the insurance paperwork.

Where? When?
2024 date to be confirmed.


P&C Constitution workshop

Your P&C's constitution is an important document and should guide the operation of your P&C. However, many committees find that their constitution is out of date, no longer reflects current practice and may not comply with the model structure.

This hands-on workshop is designed to help P&Cs review, rewrite or amend their constitutions. We will look at the Model rules for ACT association constitutions, the ACT Associations Incorporations Act, Council’s sample constitution for P&Cs and the process of passing an amended constitution through your P&C.

Attendees will be provided with the Access Canberra Change of Rules Form for amending constitutions and we will work through the specific content and wording required in your P&C constitution. We will also consider By Laws.

Workshop participants should look through their own P&C constitution prior to the workshop, and have a copy on hand.

P&C presidents and secretaries should attend, but any P&C member is welcome.

Where? When?
2024 date to be confirmed.


Getting grants

This hands-on workshop will help you win grants to fund P&C projects. We'll cover:

  • available grants and how to find them
  • what grants can and can't be used for
  • considerations when apply for and using grants
  • writing a great application, including samples of successful and unsuccessful applications
  • acquittal of funds and your obligations.

P&C presidents, secretaries, treasurers and fundraising co-ordinators should attend, but any P&C member is welcome.

Where? When?
2024 date to be confirmed.


 Financial Review Training

This workshop will help treasurers prepare their accounts for a Financial Review, which is a legal requirement for all P&Cs. We'll show you what it's all about and what you'll need to gather together for your review as well as who can do it and managing the timing.

In response to difficulties in finding an affordable auditor/reviewer, we can also facilitate a 'Book Swap' for small P&Cs (gross receipts less than $400,000 pa) whereby two treasurers review each other's books to avoid paying for expensive auditors. 

The resources from this training session are available for you to use.

Where? When?
2024 date to be confirmed.