Council’s long and dedicated work as an advocate for parents of students with a disability was recognised at the end of 2013.

Council helps P&C-managed school canteens with resources, advice, and referrals to other helpful organisations.
Plus, we connect P&C-run canteens so you can share ideas & expertise.

Council is coordinating a week of celebrating our school communities. We have lots of fun ideas, so make sure your school is part of it

With last year's NAPLAN results due to be publicly released on the My School website this week, the ACT Council of Parents and Citizens Associations is reminding parents to view the results with caution.

School NAPLAN results for 2013 are due to be made publicly available on the government's MySchool website on March 6, 2014. At this time, there is usually interest from the community in the achievements and performance of individual schools and newspapers often report on school rankings based on data from the website.

The ACT Council of Parents & Citizens Associations welcomes the announcement today of the phase-out of sugary drinks in schools and the installation, instead, of water bottle re-fill stations.

On Friday, the ACT Council of Parents & Citizens Associations will proudly launch its School Canteen Improvement Project, which will help save canteens in danger of going out of business. The project saves canteens time and money while delivering a better, and healthier, service.

Last night the ACT Council of Parents & Citizens Associations was awarded the overall Award for Excellence in the ACT Chief Minister's Inclusions Awards. Council also took out the Education and Training section of the awards, which recognise businesses, organisations and individuals which have excelled in encouraging, welcoming and supporting people with a disability in their community.

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